A teamwork environment/culture promotes an atmosphere that fosters friendships and
loyalty. Being a part of a team is where each individual possesses diverse talents,
weaknesses, communication styles, strengths and habits. The team understands and is
there to provide support and encouragement for each other in order to accomplish the
task at hand. The team allows each individual to bring forth their part allowing all the
different minds to be not only focused on their parts but on the completion of the entire
task. Thus, this opens the door for collaboration, mutual support and allows for respect
and value of each individual part.
In teamwork, the focus is not on one individual solely but the entire team working
together to bring all parts together to make the best solution. The pressure of one
individual to perform is reduced and allows for individuals to feel a sense of belonging, a
chance to form bonds, opportunities for growth and learning from each other, creativity
and a unified focus on bringing the parts together for mission completion. This is the
breeding ground for creative, energetic, purposeful and optimal performance. Thereby,
giving birth to the “Dream.”
Good Teamwork means a synergistic way of working with each individual committed and working
towards a shared goal. It maximizes each individual’s strengths of the
team to bring out the best. Successful teamwork is important for individual engagement
and well-being. Teams of the future and presently will involve: 4-D; Diversity;
Disbursement; Digital; Dynamics. Think of a good inclusive, respectful, supportive,
welcoming and runs like a fine tuned machine.
There are some crucial components that are essential keys to developing and building
a productive and effective team include: 1) Communication that is effective, respectful,
ensuring updates, active listening, encouraging, allows collaboration. 2.) Delegation of
tasks based on individual strengths while being able to identify all aspects of the task
required. 3) Efficiency where the development of the system allows for individual
collaboration of tasks and the time required for completion. 4.) Ideas and Suggestions
are encouraged and welcomed making each individual comfortable in sharing. 5.)
Support… Life, tasks, deadlines… all provide challenges but having a strong team in
place can act as a support mechanism. The team can help each other improve and
grow as well as working together toward the common task. Building bonds on trust and
reliance on each other especially during difficult times, tight deadlines, losses, etc.
So, now the question is what is Your “Dream”? Once you decide on your Dream, know
that you will not be able to do it ALONE!!! Everyone is not a good candidate for
teamwork. That is completely fine because everything is not for everybody. It is not a
race to prepare and plan the dream. It is ok to take the time you need to actualize your
Dream. However, know that you can develop and build the team you will need.
Patience is a virtue and needed during your quest. Know that yours will be tested but
can be strengthened. Be patient with yourself and the process. Own it even when no
one else cares or thinks it is possible. Believe when you can’t see it. Tune into The
Spirit operating within you to help and guide you. Find your Team because “Teamwork
makes the Dream Work”!!
Yours in Your Journey to Personal Healing and Success
Monica Squires, CARC